Flat Feet

Flat feet, and its false correlation with pain, remains one of the largest myths in the world of feet. Millions of Australians have flat feet and do not experience any pain in their life, yet many health practitioners claim they can ‘fix’ and ‘repair the alignment’ of their patient’s flat feet.

Thus, the questions beg… 

What is the obsession with the presentation of this foot?

Why are we concerned when this patient may never experience pain in their life?

Will my flat feet get worse over time?

Are high arches better than flat feet?

The answer lies in a different question…

How well do the 33 joints in each of your feet work, each and every step, to get you from point A to point B?

The term “Flat Feet” is a broad term used to describe feet with a low arch.  The real issue with feet, regardless of shape, comes when a person’s foot does not have the strength or control to load when it contacts the ground… and also when it fails to transform into a rigid stiff foot to push off the ground. The failure to tick either of these key boxes, repeated often each day, is a contributing factor to the development of bunions, hammer toes, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis and much more, as well as adversely affecting ankles, knees, hips and your spine. 

The job of your podiatrist is NOT TO LABEL THE SHAPE OF YOUR FEET… it is to determine how well your feet are working, and what treatment modalities will improve their function.  

Wollongong Podiatry focuses on treating the cause of your pain rather than simply diagnosing the shape of your feet.

Steven McInerney